Grow Room CO2

CO2 enrichment systems are a necessity for commercial indoor or greenhouse cannabis cultivation, and can boost yields while allowing for a completely sealed and climate controlled grow room.

CO2 Enrichment Manifold

Easily add a CO2 system with a CO2 supply flow meter, valving, and manifold all in one product.

CO2 Enrichment Manifold Image

In Room Sensors and Controller

Monitor multiple rooms CO2 Levels and Alarms

Cultivation facilities that use CO2 enrichment will be regulated by the local mechanical and fire code for health and safety. Each state, municipality, or city may have unique regulations that must be considered when designing and installing a CO2 system for your grow facility.

PlantC02, Easy Root’s partner for all thing CO2, provides a complete C02 solution for cultivation facilities. The C02 enrichment and life safety equipment can be self installed using your local resources.

We provide a complete solution to meet IFC requirements including:

The tank safety shutoff valve will isolate the entire facility from CO2 in the event that CO2 reaches 30,000 PPM (large leak event). This safety measure is reserved for the most critica! CO2 alarm to ensure that all CO2 related processes in the facility are only disrupted in an emergency.

The room safety shutoff valve will isolate an individual room if 5,000 PPM CO2 levels are reached. A low CO2 alarm of 5,000 PPM is far more common. lsolating only the cultivation room meets the IFC requirements for CO2 isolation without a facility wide disruption for a non-critica! event.

CO2 is piped through this wall mounted panel which regulates the CO2 pressure and precisely controls CO2 flow rates into the room. The 24VAC solenoid valve on this manifold is controlled by your environmental control system. In most cases, you will only need one CO2 enrichment panel per room.

The Safety CO2 sensor is mounted 12″ above the fixed floor to monitor the air where CO2 is most likely to be concentrated. This is required by the IFC to monitor any rooms enriched with CO2. The safety sensor will trigger the horns/strobes (included) and connect to the power and relay panel for control of the CO2 Purge Fan, and the CO2 Safety Shutoff Valves.

The power and relay panel provides the power and equipment integration inside each room. The power supply creates a hardwired power connection to your CO2 sensor that can’t be removed per the IFC requirements. The relays are provided to control the room safety shutoff valve, integrate with the control system for exhaust fan control, and link all rooms together to control the tank safety shutoff valve, and notify the fire alarm panel of a 30,000 PPM alarm. An additional relay can be included if notification to the fire alarm panel is required at 5,000 PPM.

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